1. Customer registration (deprecated)

If it is the first time of the user making an international transaction, they must be registered and approved by our compliance process. Therefore, the partner must share the necessary customer data and documents through the 'Register Customer' API.


It is the partner's responsibility to obtain the user agreement to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before sharing the data.


Customer registration flow

After submitting the user data, the partner must upload the customer's ID using our Document Registration API.

The three types of Brazilian ID's accepted are:

  • RG;
  • CNH;
  • RNE.


Documents can be sent double-sided or open

After sending the document, the partner must wait for our compliance check, not being able to carry on with the transaction until the customer is approved.


Example of a user being denied to create a transition as the approval process is in process.

To find out if the user was approved, you need to check the status on the Check customer API. Once the customer is approved, they will be able to carry on with the international transfers.

1.1 Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

The partner must provide the customer with the link to the latest version of the Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy.


Example of a quote screen, with the Terms & Condition and Privacy policy at the bottom.

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