7. Webhooks

Get automatic notifications via webhooks.

With webhooks, partners can register an API URL (endpoint) to receive notifications regarding changes in transaction status.


The webhook endpoint must accept POST requests

Event Subscription

The first step to being notified when transactions status changes are to subscribe the webhook URL to the event TRANSACTION_STATUS_UPDATED.

This is an example of a subscription request :

curl --request POST \
     --url https://fx-sandbox.remessaonline.com.br/corporate/v1/webhook/subscribe \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'User-Agent: {partnername}-remessa' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'x-token: {{x-token}}' \
     --data '
	"url": "https://webhook.site/273e521e-f17a-412b-9946-6029eafae70f",
  "events": [


Transaction Status Update

Webhook will be notified every time the transaction status changes.

The payload of the notification request has the following information:

  • createdAt: The date-time when the transaction status was changed;
  • status: The transaction status code;
  • transactionId: The id of the transaction;


Up to 5 attempts will be made to notify the webhook.

The interval between these attempts takes an average of 15 minutes.

Transaction Status:

Outbound Transaction

Transaction Flow Statuses

AWAITING_PAYMENTWe are waiting for the transaction payment in Remessa Online's partner bank account.
PAYMENT_CONFIRMEDThe payment was confirmed we will start the settlement soon.
SETTLEMENT_IN_PROGRESSThe settlement is in progress.
CONTRACT_IN_PROGRESSThe settlement was concluded and Remessa Online is creating de foreign exchange contract.
REGISTERED_TRANSACTIONThe contract was registered with the Brazilian Central Bank.
TRANSACTION_COMPLETEDThe money was sent to the beneficiary.

Other Statuses

CANCELEDThe transaction was canceled.
PAYMENT_ISSUEThe amount was insufficient, it's necessary to send the correct amount.
TRANSACTION_DOCUMENT_ISSUEMissing documents to continue the transaction.
REFUNDEDThe transaction was canceled and the amount was returned.
INVALID_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTDespite the proof of payment received, the amount was not identified. Please redo according to the instructions.
SETTLEMENT_ISSUEThe foreign currency was not liquidated to the beneficiary, it's necessary to contact our support.

Inbound Transaction

Transaction Flow Statuses

AWAITING_MONEY_ORDERWaiting for money order and conciliation.
TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESSThe order was received and the settlement is in progress.
CONTRACT_IN_PROGRESSGenerating the foreign exchange contract
REGISTERED_TRANSACTIONThe contract was registered with the Brazilian Central Bank.
TRANSACTION_COMPLETEDThe money was sent to the partner's Brazilian bank account.

Other Statuses

CANCELEDThe transaction was canceled.

Notification Logs

It's possible to check the log of all notifications sent to webhooks.

This is an example of a notification logs request:

curl --request GET \
  --url https://fx-sandbox.remessaonline.com.br/corporate/v1/webhook/logs?startDate=2023-01-01&endtDate=2023-01-30&eventType=TRANSACTION_STATUS_UPDATED \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'User-Agent: {partnername}-remessa' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x-token: {{x-token}}'