1. Quotation
Step by step of how to create a quotation in Corporate API.
📑 Summary
- Objective
- Functionalities
- Create Quotation
- Data for Creating a Quote
- Description of Accepted Purposes
- Description of Accepted Currencies
- Accept Quotation
- Data for Accepting a Quote
The objective of this module is to exemplify what a quotation is and how to interact with this entity through Corporate API.
Through the quotation module, it is possible to:
Create Quotation Flow
The quote is the first step in creating an international transfer, it is an estimate of the foreign currency value along with the fees and taxes that must be displayed before proceeding to confirm the transfer.
Quotation Expiration
The expiration time of a quote can change according to the established contract. After this period, the generated quote will expire and the partner will need to request a new quote.
📍 1. Data for Creating a Quote
To create a quote, you need to provide the required parameters:
Field Name | Is required | Description |
direction | Yes | The direction of the quotation. It can be inbound or outbound. |
purpose | Yes | The purpose for the quote (see list of accepted purposes below). |
quotedAmount | Yes | Amount informed for a quotation. |
baseCurrencyIso | Yes | Currency in ISO format which the client wants to buy. |
quotedCurrencyIso | Yes | Currency in ISO format which the client wants to sell. |
Below you can see an example of a full request for creating an outbound quotation for the Crypto purpose:
curl --request POST \
--url https://fx-sandbox.remessaonline.com.br/corporate/v1/quote \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'User-Agent: {partnername}-remessa' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-token: {{x-token}}' \
--data '
"direction": "OUTBOUND",
"purpose": "CRYPTO",
"quotedAmount": "1000",
"baseCurrencyIso": "BRL",
"quotedCurrencyIso": "USD"
📍 2. Description of Available Purposes
Purpose Name | Description | Direction |
COMEX | Buying or selling of commodities in this exchange between parties located in different countries. | Inbound or Outbound |
PAYMENT_PROCESSING | Handling of financial transactions between parties in different countries. | Inbound or Outbound |
CAPITAL_INCREASE | Process of raising additional funds by a company through the issuance of new shares or other securities, which may involve investors or entities located in different countries. | Inbound or Outbound |
CRYPTO | This purpose involves the transaction of foreign currency in order to ultimately trade cryptocurrencies. | Inbound or Outbound |
📍 3. Description of Accepted Currencies
Symbol | Currency |
USD | American Dollar |
EUR | Euro |
AUD | Australian Dollar |
CHF | Swiss Franc |
Accept Quotation
Accepting a quote is an act of assuring that that quote will be paid and transacted on the same business day it was created. Therefore, Remessa Online will purchase foreign currency to guarantee the exchange.
Irrevesible Process
Accepting a quotation is an irreversible process. If the partner accepts a quotation, it must not be canceled or reversed. Otherwise, penalty charges and fines may be applied.
📍 1. Data for Accepting a Quote
To accept a quote, you need to provide the required parameters:
Field Name | Is required | Description |
quoteId | Yes | The Id of the created quote. |
amount | No | The parameter is only applicable to clients using the local quotation flow. In this case, it is mandatory to specify the amount in the foreign currency (e.g. USD) to be applied to the quote. |
externalId | No | An arbitrary string that can be used to identify the accept. |
counterpartyId | Yes | This field enables the partner to accept multiple quotations with different counterparties. |
Below you can see an example of a full request for accepting a quote.
curl --request PUT \
--url https://fx-sandbox.remessaonline.com.br/corporate/v1/quote/{quoteId}/accept \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'User-Agent: {partnername}-remessa' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-token: {{x-token}}' \
--data '
"amount": 1000,
"externalId": "hg799270-c7dd-4bde-8822-03b1e19e08a4",
"counterpartyId": "4303711a-62ba-43df-93d4-7h6c1848d8aa"
Updated 10 months ago