2. Quotation (deprecated)

Step in which the customer quotes the international transfer. With the quotation API, the partner can build a calculator where the customer enters the amount they want to send and sees the final amount with costs and taxes applied.


Quotation and transaction flow

To obtain a quote, the user should inform the amount to be sent in reais (BRL), obtaining the amount to be received in the desired currency.

To quote, the partner must provide the following information:

  • Currency destination;
  • Amount;
  • Purpose of the transaction.


Only "own account", "resident maintenance" and "investment account" purposes are available now.

The Generate Quotation API will return all costs and fees related to the transition.

  • It is mandatory to display the Total Effective Value (VET).
  • It is mandatory to display the total amount in reais to be paid.
  • It is mandatory to display the total amount to be received in foreign currency.

Example of a Quotation screen

  • For transparency, we recommend displaying all details of the quote.

Example of a detailed quote