2. Quotation
Step by step of how to create a quotation in FXaaS.
📑 Summary
- Objective
- Functionalities
- Quotation Flow
- Data for Creating a Quote
- Description of Accepted Purposes
- Description of Accepted Currencies
- Description of Accepted Classifications
Allow the partner to generate an outbound or inbound quotation by inputting some specific parameters. The generated quotes will be used later for creating transactions.
Through the quotation module, it is possible to:
Quotation Flow
This is the step in which the customer quotes the international transfer. With the quotation endpoint, the partner can build a calculator where the customer enters the amount they want to send and sees the final amount with costs and taxes applied.
The quote is the first step for creating an international transfer, it is an estimate of the foreign currency value along with the fees and taxes that must be displayed before proceeding to confirm the transfer.
When getting the response from the service, the partner will be able to display to the customer all the detailed information (amount, taxes, fees, VET, etc).
Quotation Expiration
The generated quote has an expiration time of 5 (five) minutes. After this period, the generated quote will expire and the customer will need to request a new quote.
VET (Total Effective Value) is a mandatory field to be displayed to the customer on the quotation screen.
📍 1. Data for Creating a Quote
To request a quote, you need to provide the required parameters:
Field Name | Is required | Description |
inputCurrency | Yes | Currency corresponds to the input value for the quotation. |
outputCurrency | Yes | Currency corresponds to the output value for the quotation. |
amount | Yes | Amount informed. |
direction | Yes | The direction of the quotation. It can be inbound or outbound. |
purpose | Yes | The purpose for the quote (see list of accepted purposes below). |
spread | No | The spread percentage to be applied to the quote. It must be agreed with Remessa Online in advance. |
classification | No | Valid identification for specific purposes from the Central Bank of Brazil. |
Below you can see an example of a full request for creating an outbound quotation for the purpose of "Own Account Abroad":
curl --request POST \
--url https://fx-sandbox.remessaonline.com.br/v1/api/quotes \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-token: {{x-token}}' \
--data '
"direction": "OUTBOUND",
"purpose": "OWN_ACCOUNT_ABROAD",
"inputCurrency": "BRL",
"outputCurrency": "USD",
"amount": "2332"
📍 2. Description of Available Purposes
The purpose corresponds to the reasons behind the international transfer, which could be outbound or inbound. The purposes available are:
Purpose Name | Description | Customer Type | Direction |
OWN_ACCOUNT_ABROAD | When the customer wants to transfer funds to a self-owned international account. | Individual | Outbound |
FAMILY_MAINTENANCE | When the customer wants to transfer to a third-party international account. | Individual | Outbound |
INVESTMENT_IN_STOCKS_AND_OR_FUNDS | When the customer wants to transfer to make an investment in a self-owned international account. | Individual | Outbound |
FOREIGN_AVAILABILITY | When the customer wants to receive funds from a self-owned international account. | Individual | Inbound |
RESIDENT_MAINTENANCE | When the customer wants to receive from a third-party international account. | Individual | Inbound |
INVESTMENT_RETURN | When the customer wants to bring to Brazil the money that is in a self-owned international account. | Individual | Inbound |
SERVICE | When a customer wants to pay or receive money for a service provision abroad. | Company | Outbound and Inbound |
COMEX | When a company needs to make payments or receive funds in connection with the purchase or sale of products. | Company | Outbound and Inbound |
📍 3. Description of Accepted Currencies
The destination currencies accepted for quotes are:
Symbol | Currency |
USD | American Dollar. |
EUR | Euro. |
GBP | Great British Pound. |
JPY | Japanese Yen. |
CAD | Canadian Dollar. |
AUD | Australian Dollar. |
CHF | Swiss Francs. |
📍 4. Description of Accepted Classifications
The classifications accepted by the API are:
Purpose Name | Description | Bacen ID |
SOFTWARE_COPYRIGHT | Software licensing (receipt by assignment, acquisition or use of computer programs.) | 47575 |
SOFTWARE_PROFESSIONALS | Services - Technical and professional services - Computer services | 47025 |
LEGAL_PROFESSIONAL | Services - Technical and professional services - Legal services | 47128 |
COPYRIGHT | Services - Copyright - License for copying and distribution - other | 47568 |
ADVERTISING_MARKET_RESEARCH | Receipts for advertising services, market research or services related to participation in fairs and exhibitions, such as vehicle services, are also considered to be of this nature, for example: GOOGLE, FACE, TIK TOK. ONLYFANS, among other platforms | 47159 |
BUSINESS_CONSULTING | Services - Technical and professional services - Business and public relations consultancy | 47142 |
OTHER_SERVICES | Services - Technical and professional services - Other technical, professional and administrative services | 47197 |
Updated about 1 year ago