Patch counterparty

Update a specific counterparty.

It is possible to update any optional attributes partially. For the following attributes the criteria is:

  1. Address: if counterparty's address already has attributes, it is possible to update any attribute. To update an address that was previously null, it is necessary to provide addressLine1, city, state, country and postalCode.
  2. intermediaryBank: to update counterparty's intermediaryBank, it is necessary to provide bankCodeType, bankCode, and bankName.
  3. bankAccount: it is possible to update bankAccount attributes according to the following criteria:
    1. when counterparty is used for inbound transactions, it is possible to update bankName and country;
    2. when counterparty is used for outbound transactions, it is possible to update accountType, branchCode, bankCode, bankLocalCode, accountNumber and bankName;
    3. to enable the possibility of a counterparty used in inbound transactions to be used for outbound transactions, first it is necessary to get all requirements to register a counterparty at endpoint Get counterparty bank account requirements. This endpoint will provide the bankAccount properties needed to update counterparty.
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