Update a specific counterparty.
It is possible to update any optional attributes partially. For the following attributes the criteria is:
- Address: if counterparty's address already has attributes, it is possible to update any attribute. To update an address that was previously null, it is necessary to provide addressLine1, city, state, country and postalCode.
- intermediaryBank: to update counterparty's intermediaryBank, it is necessary to provide bankCodeType, bankCode, and bankName.
- bankAccount: it is possible to update bankAccount attributes according to the following criteria:
- when counterparty is used for inbound transactions, it is possible to update bankName and country;
- when counterparty is used for outbound transactions, it is possible to update accountType, branchCode, bankCode, bankLocalCode, accountNumber and bankName;
- to enable the possibility of a counterparty used in inbound transactions to be used for outbound transactions, first it is necessary to get all requirements to register a counterparty at endpoint Get counterparty bank account requirements. This endpoint will provide the bankAccount properties needed to update counterparty.