
March 27, 2024

Addition of Multi-Document Sending for Business Operations

In order to facilitate the sending or receiving of business operations, it is now possible to include multiple documents to validate the nature of the operation. These documents can be an invoice or a group of documents.

To enable the sending of multiple documents for these operations, we have implemented this functionality in the FXaaS API.

  • expectedNumberOfDocuments: This parameter can be included in the operation to indicate how many documents will be sent for the respective operation. The maximum allowed is 4 documents.

When passing this number, a request should be made to the document upload endpoint for each document. For example, if expectedNumberOfDocuments is set to 2, two requests should be made to the transaction document upload endpoint.

After the documents are uploaded, the transaction will undergo analysis and proceed through the completion process.

For comprehensive details and guidance on utilizing this new feature, please refer to the API Reference and review the functionality of the field.